Former Event

Session “From Strategy to Practice – Data Intermediaries in the EU” at the MyData Online 2020

The session focuses on current challenges to making trusted data intermediaries a reality in terms of scalability, functionality and adoption. Two short introductory statements are followed by three presentations, all of which illuminate various aspects of trusted intermediaries and PIMS:

(1) highlight the standardization challenges of implementable consent tools (legal/governance perspective),
(2) zoom in on practical and technical challenges exemplified by the PIMcity Project, and
(3) touch upon user interface perspectives and legal design solution approaches.

The goal is to highlight key elements of MyData Operators and aspects of the EU Data Strategy for making such models realistic. To investigate the alignment of the EU Data Strategy with theoretical models and spur a discourse about the necessary steps for creating legal, technological and market conditions to support the emergence of data intermediaries in practice.

Qiqo - virtual venue
11. December 2020, 9:45 am - 11:15 am
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