Former Event

Session “Privacy Icons As Legal Design” at the UCLouvain

As part of the “Conversations on Legal Design” Series of Seminars of the EITLab course at the UCLouvain, Zohar Efroni will hold a two-part session:

The first part will be a discussion on the meaning of “legal design” (LD), how LD can be defined, and what kinds of aspects in our physical and informational environment may fall under that definition.
The second part will focus on privacy icons as a specific example for a certain type of LD or as a technique that applies visual-pictorial stimuli in order to convey legally relevant information that may potentially influence the decision-making process of persons who are exposed to them.


The event will run on the MS Teams channel of the EITLab course. If you want to join send a request to rossana[dot]ducato[at]uclouvain[dot]be


MS Teams, EITLab
23. April 2021, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
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