Former Event

Panel on “GDPR Data Protection Icons and Transparency: Where do we stand?” at the CPDP-2020

Panel description:

Several research institutions, industries and public bodies are currently creating icon sets to enhance the transparency of personal data processing according to Art. 12 sect. 7 GDPR. Prior to possible adoption and standardization by the Commission according to sect. 8, however, the EDPB calls for an evidence-based approach to determine the efficacy of such icons. The emerging approaches follow different methodologies and goals. This panel brings together different stakeholders and takes stock of the emerging initiatives to identify the next steps for more effective transparency with a particular focus on privacy icons.

  • Which current initiatives of privacy icons exist and how do they differ?
  • What is the current state of research on the efficacy of privacy icons and transparency in general?
  • What are the next steps, in particular, towards EU standardization of icons?
Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Belgium Petite Halle
22. January 2020, 10:30 am - 11:45 am
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